Now that the semester has come to a close, I am writing my fourth and final blog post as part of my General Chemistry II class. As I reflect back upon the semester, I remember feeling unmotivated in the last weeks. However, I also learned a very important lesson that even though I may lose my motivation when I receive a blow like a bad quiz or test grade, my character is defined by how I react in those moments. I tried to focus my frustration into my study time, and it payed off in the end.
Overall, the most challenging concept of General Chemistry II was trying to differentiate the chapters which contained similar concepts. For example, one chapter was on Acids/Bases and another, on a different exam, was about Buffer Solutions. Also, a difficult concept to grasp was when to use an ICE table and when not to.
My advice to future Gen. Chem. II students: study and practice problems as much as you can. Also, take advantage of any extra credit opportunities because they can make the difference in a letter grade (or, in some cases, whether you pass or fail.) Lastly, don't sweat the small stuff. Yes, quizzes are hard, but they end up not being a huge part of your grade. Just do your best! :)